Channel your inner goddess when you slip into this dress created by artist Betsey Matthews (Poetic Aesthetic). This dress is part of a new collection, Flowerheads.

"High above the mortal realm, amidst the clouds and celestial wonders, lies the fabled Aetheria, home to the Flowerheads. In this ethereal sanctuary, Rose, Rosa, Rosalyn, Tulia, Tulipia, Lotus, and Cherry flourish, their shimmering petals radiating with otherworldly luminescence.

Step into my designs, and you will effortlessly traverse the realms between the earthly and the celestial.

Dress is size large with adjustable straps.

Poetic Aesthetic

Flowerheads Violet Venus Slip Dress by Poetic Aesthetic

Item #21

$60 - 4 bids

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Donated By:

Betsey Matthews